How Do Animals Feel When We Kill Their Kind?

People can’t show all the emotions animals have, but people do understand them. **Dogs show love** when they see their owners, and they **mourn** when their owners pass away. **Cows weep** when they lose a calf. People express these feelings in actions, but animals show even deeper feelings. Keep reading to discover what animals sense when their kind are killed.

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RAGE evolved from being held immobile by a predator

RAGE is a primitive emotion that can be duplicated by stimulating specific brain areas, such as the subcortical cortex. This emotion gives animals the fierce energy necessary to escape or struggle against a predator. This is why the core emotion can be so hardwired into our DNA. Interestingly, the same emotion can be triggered in humans as well. Babies are capable of becoming furious after holding their arms to their sides.

SEEKING is a pleasurable emotion

The question of whether animals can experience moral experiences is often answered by focusing on hunting. Animals experience seeking, which is why they dig tunnels and hunt for good food. We often use polar bears as examples because they are portrayed as looking for good food. This stereotyping of polar bears does not acknowledge that seeking is a pleasurable emotion for animals.

Traditional cruelty is associated with more natural and authentic animal husbandry practices

A wide variety of conspecific animals are known to engage in traditional cruelty, including infanticide. While male lions are known perpetrators, there are many other species that kill their offspring to maximize fitness and survivability. This practice can include feeding upon young animals. A growing body of research suggests that many other animals also engage in traditional cruelty. And although some species have become infamous for this practice, many others remain unscathed.

While animal welfare laws have become increasingly common in developed nations, they still do not protect all animals. Certain acts, however, are still considered to be illegal under existing legislation. In the United States, for example, laws against cruel farming practices were first enacted in the early nineteenth century. While they originally only covered cattle and sheep, they eventually included all domestic animals. Today, most states prohibit the abuse of farm animals, including chickens.

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These laws should not exclude customary farming practices from criminal sanctions. In fact, legislators should stop making such assumptions. Why should we allow animals to suffer unnecessarily just because they are used to it? This is a staggering and unprecedented delegation of power to the farming industry. While these practices are not always illegal, they are still cruel to animals. That is why agrarian organizations should be regulated, not abused.

In spite of this trend, anticruelty laws are not enforced very well in most states. In fact, many legislatures have created legal exemptions to allow common farming practices and current methods. As a result, more common farming practices are now legal. But animal rights advocates are worried that the new laws will negatively impact their ability to make a profit. These states have been a leading example of the repression of animal welfare.

Vegetarianism seems an unreasonable response to such an evil

The proponents of a vegetarian diet cite reasons such as Singer’s lack of logistical analysis and consequentialist ethics. Such arguments do not have the power to compel us to change. As a matter of fact, they are unpersuasive and fail to save animals from slaughter. Singer also fails to account for the positive aspects of hedonism. Hedonism is the recognition that sentient beings are capable of contributing to the total sum of pleasure and pain in the world.

Early Christians were not blindly hostile to meat. One of the first known vegetarians was St. Anthony of Egypt, a 3rd-4th century hermit known as the father of organized Christian monasticism. St. Anthony practiced celibacy and sleep deprivation to avoid the temptations of comfort and pleasure. Leonardo, another early Christian who espoused a vegetarian diet, was deeply concerned about the welfare of animals and his aversion to killing them.

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The moral arguments for vegetarianism tend to follow a similar pattern. They claim that killing animals for food is wrong in general, and recreational hunting is also wrong. Then they claim that eating meat normalizes such attitudes toward animals. Ultimately, the moral arguments for vegetarianism seem to conflict with one another. Some people reject these arguments and insist that there are good reasons to eat meat.

Vegetarianism is an excellent response to this dilemma. We can stop the cycle of animal slaughter, and we can contribute to a peaceful and compassionate world. The international society for Krishna Consciousness is one of the world’s most respected organizations and an influential voice for vegetarians. There are many other benefits to becoming a vegetarian, and the benefits can be enormous.

You may be wondering, «Are farm animals a polyphyletic group?» After all, don’t they have their own unique characteristics? Let’s take a look. Donkeys, chickens, and turkeys are all members of the paraphyletic group. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments. Also, do you think donkeys are part of a broader group?


The word «paraphyletic» refers to groups that share many common traits but do not have a single common ancestor. These groups are often overlooked in academic writings and are rarely used in practice, except to refer to taxonomic changes. They include animals such as birds and farm animals, but they have no common ancestor. For example, chickens are paraphyletic and do not belong to the Chordata.

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While phylogenetic principles are widely accepted, the term «paraphyletic» is often associated with animal groups. The controversy over identifying the group includes historical terminology shifts, the neglect of evolutionary processes, and the acceptance of lower levels of information content and practicability. Originally, «monophyletic» included paraphyletic groups. These terms are now largely obsolete.

Taxons are defined by their ancestry. They may be monophyletic or polyphyletic, and are often categorized based on how closely related they are to each other. A monophyletic taxon includes all descendants of a common ancestor. A paraphyletic taxon includes descendants of multiple ancestors. The most recent common ancestor is shown in red, while all descendants of the group are in white.


The polyphyletic group of animals includes donkeys. They are domesticated and are primarily used for milk and pack animals. Some donkeys are bred as pets and are trained to guard livestock. They are aggressive and will attack predators. Donkeys are grazers and feed on grass, shrubs and desert plants. Their flat teeth are used to rip grass and grind it for swallowing.

Donkeys are highly intelligent and playful, which makes them good companions. Their long ears allow them to hear other donkeys as far as 60 miles away. Additionally, their large ears help to cool them down in the summer. They are also good at learning new tricks and are great with children. Donkeys are widely cultivated as farm animals and can be found in many countries. However, there are some donkey species that are becoming endangered.

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Donkeys are the only farm animals that are capable of interbreeding with other members of the Equidae family. They are often interbred with horses to produce mules, which are highly prized as riding and working animals. Some donkey breeds are specifically bred to produce mules. Hinnies, meanwhile, are less common and usually sterile. The donkeys can also breed with zebras, and the offspring is called zonkey.

Donkeys are highly intelligent animals that are loyal and protective. They are capable of being draft animals, but are also very attentive. Donkeys are also excellent guardians for other animals. Heather Archer was first interested in donkeys when she heard about a donkey rescue in Texas. She helped move the donkeys from the feedlot where they were living and adopted some of them.

Donkeys are not flight animals, and cannot easily be scared into a certain behavior. While some people perceive donkeys to be stubborn, the truth is that they are not. They evolved in mountainous deserts where they didn’t have much room to move around, and they had to assess danger before running or fighting. Because of this, they developed a strong sense of self-preservation.


Are farm animals a polyphyletic clade? The answer depends on your definition of polyphyly. Polyphyletic groups share many common traits but have many origins. They are divided into clades by a trait they share, such as unity. These groups are rarely discussed, perhaps for obvious reasons. Regardless, it’s important to understand how they are different from monophyletic clades.

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In a polyphyletic group, organisms with similar morphological characteristics are grouped together. These characteristics are called character states. In a polyphyletic group, organisms have one common ancestor, but diverged from it. The characteristic shared by the clades can be genetic or morphological. However, this doesn’t mean that farm animals are polyphyletic.

The definition of a valid group is a few words. Ideally, a group contains all the descendants of one common ancestor. Alternatively, it could include animals of a different genus. The goal of cladistics is to make all groups monophyletic, but many taxonomists argue that a group can be paraphyletic. A polyphyletic group is one that contains all warm-blooded animals, but its last common ancestor was not warm-blooded.

While they’re not a monophyletic clade, farm animals are a distinct group based on their genetic makeup. The USDA estimates farm animal populations as ‘animal units’, with an animal unit equaling 1,000 pounds of live weight. In this way, dairy cows and beef cattle are considered separate groups. A dairy cow counts as four animal units, while a goat counts as eight.


While chickens are known for their intelligence, they are also very social. They establish a «pecking order,» with the dominant male surrounded by several females and a harem. Though a chicken’s mind is not fully developed, it is capable of learning simple tasks and recognizing patterns. A common example is when a chicken runs an obstacle course, or solves a simple problem to get its food.

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Despite this similarity in size and behavior, the genetic differences between chickens and other species are still significant. Only about half of the RJF genome was characteristic of its species. Some chickens had significant homozygotes in their genomes, likely due to intensive inbreeding. The p value of chickens, however, is significantly higher than that of other farm animals.

Despite their sociability, chickens live in conditions that may be harsh for their health. The litter produced by poultry farms is high in ammonia, which contributes to poor air quality and causes painful irritations to chicken feet. Lighting levels are intentionally kept low in poultry houses to minimize aggression and encourage activity. During incubation, hens tend to keep their eggs a little damp, but they are still exposed to high levels of ammonia. This can cause respiratory problems in chicks. Furthermore, the continuous lighting causes the organs to rupture and bones to break. Some chicks also die because of heart failure.

Archeological findings suggest that chickens diverged from red and green junglefowls as early as 10,000 years ago. DNA sequences of a majority of the 19 samples obtained by this study have small nucleotide divergence after the split. However, this date is still a guess and may be underestimated if subsequent introgressions have occurred. For instance, the MCMC method may underestimate the divergence time for chickens, but the result of the study suggests that the two groups are closely related.

The distribution of chickens in the world depends on available land. Since chickens are less demanding than ruminants, they can be co-located with human populations. They need fewer space to live than cattle. In contrast, cattle require large grazing areas and are often more common in rural areas. Although chickens are the most numerous group of farm animals, they have little in common with ruminants.

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